Al-Majal Media and Studies is a specialized media company for the development of media platforms and for launching media initiatives. The company’s HQ is in Abu Dhabi. Al-Majal Media and Studies services local and regional communities highlighting issues relevant to those societies, by using the latest and most advanced technologies. To keep ahead of rapid develops in media technology the companies continually developing media platforms to support: Journalism, new media, photography, online publishing, production, programming, marketing, design, management, planning and entrepreneurship.


Al-Majal Media and Studies main strategic objective is to increase circulation among Arab readers, and to engage with the Arab youth by offering platforms that provide opportunities for interactive communication through multimedia content (text, pictures, video and graphics). Al-Majal Media and Studies platforms offer a unique experience by providing up to the minute breaking news and information, as well as integrating social networking tools, considered to be the future of online journalism. These tools facilitate easy access to information givingreaders the opportunity to interact with specific news items that can be followed. The companyprides itself in accurate Arabic online content developing and supporting new and innovative projects.


Al-Majal Media  and Studies owns Al-Ain News Portal (, which is a comprehensive Arab news portal covering primarily Arab world news, as well as news from the rest of the world. The portal has a focused media vision aimed at maintaining a leading edge in News Digital content. Al-Ain news portal offers a unique experience whereby it provides news information, as well as integrating social networking tools. Al-Ain provides unbiased, balanced and accurate information. The news portal is committed to following the highest professional standards and ethics in journalism. Al-Ain is based in Abu Dhabi in the UAE, and has offices in Dubai, Riyadh, Amman, Cairo and Casablanca.

Chairman Message


The massive media onslaught that the West can mobilize is a lesson to all. Public opinion is molded, even distorted at will.   Since the media is a decisive and vital component in the current emerging and turbulent climate of our region, AlMajal Media and Studies answers the call.

It will meet the many challenges arising among citizenry, and especially our youth, with a fearless brand of journalism.  It will do so by bringing to life concepts capable of combating misleading ideas, and by accentuating the positive achievements of our society.

AlMajal Media and Studies is also facing the accumulating challenges of the media industry. Worldwide, it is evident that public audiences prefer digital to conventional media. With that goes a revolutionary participation of the public in the production of the media materials consumed every day. The outcome is intense competition among media institutions as the flow of information becomes easier to access.


As one of the most recent and modern creations, AlMajal Media and Studies employs the most advanced technologies and the most innovative tools to seek out and publish sought-after content. This approach will ensure continuous improvement of the AlMajal brand throughout the region, as well as the international arena.


AlMajal will strive to engage its world of readers and viewers in an open forum of constructive engagement, treating its public as partners in seeking knowledge and understanding of complex issues.

Our core principles will always celebrate progressive intellectual leadership with an open and transparent agenda that favors measured and rational debate.

In short, AlMajal evolves toward a collective whose thought and ideas are in constant and deliberate motion stirring imagination.


AlMajal can be thought as the hub of a wheel that never stops while energetic thinking rolls toward emancipation and liberation for those who dream. It is this century’s truth-searching media machine.


Join us on our singular journey and embrace the future.


Dr. Ali Al Noaimi